Upcoming Offering

Bitcoin Mining Fund I

Cornerstone Investments, headed by Zachary Winner is seeing to raise approximately $1,200,000 for the purchase, placement, and operation of bitcoin mining equipment.

Birchstone Wealth Fund is looking to invest a minimum of $500,000 into the Bitcoin Mining Fund as a premium Limited Partner.
Upcoming Offering

Kansas City Flex Industrial Property

Birchstone Wealth Fund has teamed up as a premium investment partner with Kansas City's FTW Investments for the acquisition of a 208,605 sf Industrial property in the Kansas City Metro. Our target investment is $1m.
Upcoming Offering

Anti-Inflation Pref Equity Fund

The Multifamily Investment, Preferred Equity fund is a $20m fund seeking to originate and invest in 3rd party preferred equity positions with experienced sponsors in apartment projects 100 units and above.

Vonfinch Capital has allowed the Birchstone Wealth Fund an initial investment allocation of $1m in the Anti-Inflation Fund as an Elite investment partner.
Minimum Commitment
$ 10,000.00
New Offering

Birchstone Wealth Fund I - Master

Empowering Investors with Choice in the New Economy The Birchstone Wealth Fund is a custom 506(c) fund of funds offering accredited investors curated, risk-adjusted passive investment opportunities. Choose to place your funds in a wide mix of vetted offerings giving you the ultimate in control, flexibility and diversification.
Minimum Commitment
$ 25,000.00
No closed capital raises.